TIME Travel and the Second Coming of Christ
Very soon, we will master the task of passing a team back in TIME. This means that we can lock up obvious TIME LOOPS in order to prevent their disapation changing history. The big one is the ministry and cruxifiction of Jesus which was then sustained as a social movement to the present day. Understand that it was sustained by ongoing interventions to the present. It is possible that the whole passion is completely home grown but not likely. It would make sense for an appropriate person to go back in TIME and conduct the initial passion and ministry. By doing just this we will be able to close the TIME LOOP and extract him back to our time. This could be the reality of the SECOND COMING. Then we track the time lines to ensure history is sustained with necessary miracles cued in. It is a stupendus undertaking and present TIME LINE convergences fits this all. Certainly i have seen plenty of evidence that the future is helping maintain ...